"NORDIC TALKS" Initiative Ahead of COP29 in Baku

Oct 01, 2024

With Baku poised to take center stage as the host city for COP29, the embassies of the Nordic countries have launched the initiative “NORDIC TALKS: The Nordic Green Model” in collaboration with the local platform Kitabistan. The project, led by the embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, aims to share the successful experiences of the Nordic countries in transitioning to renewable energy and addressing climate change. Supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the initiative highlights the Nordic approach as a model for sustainable development.


The project kicked off with a two-day event in Baku, held from September 26 to 27, which included an exhibition, a conference, and a high-level panel discussion. On September 26, the Nizami Cinema Center hosted a climate-themed exhibition and conference, where experts from the four Nordic countries presented their green transition models, which have positioned the region at the forefront of the global fight against climate change.


The following day, a panel discussion moderated by Kitabistan brought together the ambassadors of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden for a dialogue on best practices in sustainability and energy efficiency.


“Climate change remains one of the most pressing challenges of our time,” said Tobias Lorentzson, Ambassador of Sweden to Azerbaijan. “In the current action plan of the Nordic Council of Ministers, achieving a green Nordic region is a key priority. As part of Sweden’s presidency of the Council, we will continue to promote the Nordic region as a global leader in green transition, competitiveness, and social sustainability.”


Ambassador Lorentzson emphasized that the NORDIC TALKS in Baku provide a timely opportunity for the Nordic region and Azerbaijan to align their efforts and explore common solutions to common challenges. He pointed to Azerbaijan’s ongoing initiatives in green energy as fertile ground for cooperation and knowledge exchange.


Over the two days, participants explored various aspects of the Nordic green model, including the decarbonization of industries, integration of renewable energy into national grids, and development of sustainable urban infrastructure. The panel discussion on September 27 offered a unique chance for Azerbaijani representatives from state agencies, civil society, academia, and media to ask questions directly to the ambassadors, enriching the dialogue with local perspectives and priorities.


The NORDIC TALKS project was designed not only to showcase the Nordic countries’ achievements in the green energy sector but also to serve as a platform for strengthening ties between the participating countries and Azerbaijan, fostering a collaborative approach to addressing the climate crisis.


“With decades of experience, the Nordic countries have built a strong foundation for green transition,” said Per Strand Sjaastad, Special Advisor to Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Green Transition. “We believe that by sharing our experience, we can contribute to Azerbaijan’s journey towards a sustainable and environmentally conscious future.”


Indeed, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have long been global leaders in transitioning to green energy, thanks to their forward-thinking policies, technological innovations, and extensive investments in renewable energy sources. The region’s expertise in areas such as wind power, energy efficiency, and circular economy principles offers valuable insights for Azerbaijan as it embarks on its own green transformation.


Kitabistan, known for promoting intellectual exchange and intercultural understanding, is playing a key role in facilitating the dialogue. Its involvement underscores the importance of bringing together diverse voices to discuss critical issues like climate change, which transcend borders and require collective action.


As the countdown to COP29 continues, “NORDIC TALKS: The Nordic Green Model” is set to pave the way for constructive dialogue between the Nordic region and Azerbaijan. The initiative underscores the potential for global partnerships in shaping a more sustainable future—one where energy efficiency and renewable resources are at the core of economic growth and social well-being.


With this project, the Nordic embassies hope not only to highlight their countries’ achievements but also to inspire Azerbaijan to adopt innovative strategies on its own path towards a greener, more sustainable economy.


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